

The Serendipity Machine

Check-in question / Prompt generator

Houdini's Locks

Miro board for exploring what holds individuals back from achieving their potential..

Hidden Truths: Marvel, Vanish, Reveal

Miro board for team reflections

Faces in Magical Places

Ice breaker and check-in activity,

The World Needs Magic

Tim Leberecht

on beautiful business

Gustav Kuhn

on the science of magic

Liam Forde

on more human organisations

Dr Matt Pritchard

on how to cultivate wonder and curiosity

Sarah Gregerson

on nature’s inspiration

Satish Kumar

on cultivating a new society

Kevin Braddock

on asking for help

Geoff McDonald

on mental health at work

Elisabeth Hahnke

on curiosity and community

Nathalie Trutmann

on learning organisations

Karen Rivoire

on home and humanity

Jen Emery

on organisational change

Patricia Corsi

on being a positive leader

Jax Quinn

on the power of self-worth

Alessandra Lariu

on the magic of female leaders

Ellie Ford

on the magic of people

Victoire Mbala

on mentoring and achieving potential

Julian March

on leadership and burnout

Kis Jakobsen

on learning together

Let’s talk

Have a project or collaboration in mind? Schedule a 20 minute discovery call with our experts and we can discuss your goals and how to help you get there.